Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Extra! Extra! Local Mother Struggles to be an Author, Kids go Hungry....

I have my oldest hippo to thank for this headline. He's a barrel of laughs. It is true I've been busy writing everyday, working on a book proposal with a collaborator, and trying to remember it is my job to think about dinner (who has time for dinner!), I've also decided to revisit this blog and get it up to snuff. So, At Home with Happy Hippos has turned into Writing at Home with (Mostly) Happy Hippos, because y'know, hippos can be hard to please.

Introducing a new place to practice the daily discipline of writing and to air frustrations and joys on the home front. As my life is a combination of ideas, dishes, sweet kids, middle grade fiction, homeschooling, and oxford commas ... it should be interesting. 

My husband said for years, "You should write!" In response I would always give him a good verbal wallop, "How am I supposed to do that, I have all these little people to take care of, I have to do blah, blah, blah, I can't do that even if I want to, there is no energy in my life for art right now." 

But, people of the world who will read this, all 3 of you, remember this:
You can be worn out in life and feel like you have nothing to give to anything, but if you do something you love and have a knack for, it can fill you up.

But, only to a point, you still have to sleep. 

So, that's where I'm at. Trying to do something I love (writing), and pursue it the best I can.

Oh, and remember dinner. 


  1. I am in! Your readership! I know the feeling! I want to write, read, sew, knit, quilt, crochet, play the recorder, iron (really!), bake, cook, garden, hold/read with/play with GRAND babies, visit with friends,and sit on my porch with a cup of tea. God has given me so many joys and I just jump from one to the other. Well, not to the ironing yet! Continue to inspire me!!
